Why Cardio is not the Answer to Weight Loss.

Haylee Roberts | July 19, 2023


Are you tired of spending hours on the treadmill or running endlessly without seeing the results you desire? It’s time to change your approach! 

Here’s why cardio alone may not be the key to achieving your weight loss goals:

  • Limited Calorie Burn: While cardio exercises can help burn calories during your workout, the calorie burn stops shortly after you finish. On the other hand, strength training and resistance exercises continue to burn calories even after your session ends, leading to a higher overall calorie expenditure. 
  • Muscle Loss: Excessive cardio can lead to muscle loss, as your body starts breaking down muscle tissue for energy. This not only hinders your weight loss progress but also slows down your metabolism, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight in the long run. 
  • Plateau Effect: Doing the same cardio routine day in and day out can lead to a plateau, where your body adapts to the exercise and becomes more efficient at burning fewer calories. This can stall your weight loss efforts and leave you feeling frustrated. 
  • Increased Appetite: Cardio workouts can increase your appetite, making it easier to overeat and consume more calories than you burn. This can sabotage your weight loss goals and leave you feeling stuck in a cycle of no progress. 

But don’t worry, there’s a better way! Incorporating strength training, resistance exercises, and a balanced diet into your routine can give you the results you’ve been striving for:

  • Build Lean Muscle: Strength training helps build lean muscle, which not only increases your metabolism but also gives your body a toned and sculpted appearance. 
  • Long-Term Calorie Burn: Resistance exercises continue to burn calories even after your workout, helping you maintain a higher overall calorie expenditure throughout the day. 
  • Improved Body Composition: By focusing on building muscle and reducing body fat, you can achieve a healthier and more balanced body composition, rather than just focusing on the number on the scale.
  • Enhanced Metabolism: Increasing muscle mass through strength training can boost your metabolism, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight and burn calories efficiently. 

So, if you’re tired of the same old cardio routine without seeing the desired results, it’s time to switch things up! Incorporate strength training, resistance exercises, and a well-rounded diet into your fitness regimen for a more effective and sustainable approach to weight loss. 

Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about our personalized training programs and start seeing the results you’ve always wanted!